Sweet and sour tropical fruit mini pavlovas

Sweet and sour tropical fruit mini pavlovas from Sensodyne, perfect for soaking up the last bit of summer!
For the meringues, you'll just need:
4 egg whites
120g white caster sugar
I never knew something to be so easy to make, yet made out to be so difficult. All you need to do is preheat your oven to 115c fan and pop a sheet of baking paper onto a baking tray and put to the side, then whisk the eggs until they start to stiffen in a spotless bowl (very important) and then slowly pour in the sugar while whisking. Set a timer for about 10 minutes to keep track but after about 5 minutes of whisking, start to check if you can create little peaks with the mixture that stay up. This may take less than 10 minutes, so keep checking because if you whisk too long after the peaks have formed, then they may not come out right. Pop a spoonful or two of the mixture onto your baking paper tray in dollops and create little dips in the centre so they look like little crowns. Put them in for about 1hr and then turn the oven off and leave them in there for another hour or two (leave them overnight if you want to be 100% sure). They should just peel right off easily and crack if you tap them with a spoon lightly. SO GOOD.
The final dessert is amazing - the combination of sweet meringue topped with frozen yogurt, fresh fruit, passionfruit coulis (which sounds super fancy but is actually so much easier to make than it sounds) and sprinkled with toasted coconut (for some crunch) and a squeeze of lime. Sensitive teeth can sometimes make me weary to bite into something super cold like frozen yogurt, but with Sensodyne for sensitive teeth I can enjoy the foods and drinks that I please. With twice daily brushing, Sensodyne Daily Care Extra Fresh has all the benefits of an everyday toothpaste but also helps protect against sensitive teeth so I can enjoy my sweet, cooling and sour pavlova and frozen yogurt #EnjoyTheMoment
If you're interested in the full recipe, visit - www.sensodyne.co.uk/recipe-inspiration. I can confirm that Josh loved the dish just as much as I did and has requested, I already make this again! Next, I'll have to teach him how to make these meringues...