Sweet cantaloupe wrapped in soft and salty prosciutto

Sweet cantaloupe wrapped in soft and salty prosciutto
Sweet cantaloupe wrapped in soft and salty prosciutto.jpg

Sweet cantaloupe wrapped in soft and salty prosciutto cracked pepper and a drizzle of olive oil!

The perfect sharing plate and basically only requires you to buy two things at the shops if you have olive oil and pepper at home — ideal!

1 cantaloupe
1 pack of prosciutto
1 tbsp olive oil
1 pinch cracked black pepper
Optional: burrata!!

Slice your cantaloupe and then Just wrap each piece in a slice or half a slice of prosciutto! Pepper and olive oil drizzled and sprinkled on top! Tear up som fresh mint if you’d like, or my favourite is to open a large burrata to burst alongside!!! Creamy, salty and SWEET! The most amazing combination.

I used store brand Sainsbury’s and was surprised how good it was, I’m really picky with cured meats and really wasn’t sure if I’d love this one but sure enough, I ate all of it and left 0 for Josh. I really love melon and feel like it doesn’t get a proper chance to shine! Do you have a fav melon dish or melon in general? I used to not like honeydew and then had an awakening and it’s one of my favourites now.