Crispy buttery cookies

Guys, listen, I like a crunchy cookie 🍪 Crispy around the edges and soft and brown buttery all throughout. The Nestle Tollhouse cookies with the recipe on the back of the chocolate chips have always been my favourite and although I haven’t been able to get my moms recipe right.
This recipe from @frostingandfettuccine is just as freaking delicious, plus includes banging your baking tray on the counter — what could be more fun than getting all your anger out and creating these cookie? I’ve tweaked this a little, used chocolate chips and left out the sprinkles and removed the orange juice (just because of what I could get my hands on) but this is from her blog, she’s a baking queen! 🌟
1 cup unsalted butter softened
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup granulated sugar
1 egg large
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat your oven to 175°c. In the bowl, cream the butter and sugars together. If you don’t have a mixer, I used Josh as the mixer 😊 so use anyone strong, including yourself. Add in the egg & vanilla extract. Mix to combine. Add in the dry ingredients. Now mix until the dough comes together (it will be sticky). Ad in your chips and mix by hand. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Use an ice cream scooper (or protein scoop) to make even balls of dough and place 5 on each sheet, separated enough to allow them to spread — remember they are big!
Place one cookie sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes, then bake for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, open the oven door, lift the cookie sheet and bang it hard on the oven rack. You can do this once or several times if you like. THIS makes the cookies flat! Bake for 2 more minutes — repeat banging. Bake for 2 more minutes again — repeat banging. Bake for the last two minutes, and remove from them & leave to cool for a couple of minutes before diving straight in. These were fab with vanilla ice cream, too! 🍨