Pepperoni pizza puff pastry

Hottie pepperoni pizza puff pastry!
With the holidays upcoming, make this SUPER EASY party food pepperoni pizza pull apart puff pastry (new tongue twister I think) it’s stacked with aromatic tomato sauce, cheesy mozzarella, and spicy pepperoni deliciousness that is just ready to party: this song was so fitting 🔥couldn’t help myself!
How to:
Preheat your oven to 200c. Cut your puff pastry gently into 12 squares that fit inside your baking tray (may need to trim the edges a little bit). Make a little frame with your knife (not cutting all the way) and then fork the inside (this make the crust easily). Bake for 12 mins, then take out and whack each middle down with a fork. (I’ll share another step-by-step for this tomorrow, too). Layer sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni and fresh oregano (as you please with toppings) then pop back in the oven until cheese is bubbling and starting to get golden around the outages. Careful it’ll be hot, so don’t take a night immediately but serve up quickly for maximum cheesiness!
I used @jus_rol pastry, @galbaniuk mozzarella log (the long one), @muttipomodorouk aromatic pizza sauce, and supermarket pepperoni. Oregano was fresh from the farmers market, dried is delicious, too. Garlic powder also super yummy on top.