Chocolate Brioche French Toast

Chocolate Brioche French Toast 😍✨
Yes, this was my breakfast this morning and yes, it’s 100% the most amazing creation, but I’m not taking the credit. This is my homemade version of Eggbreak’s dish, which I’ve sadly not been able to try — so I thought, let me make it myself!
4 thick slices of brioche
4 hefty tbsp chocolate spread (I’m using Biona Organic dark chocolate)
2 eggs
2 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
3-4 tbsp milk (I used oat)
1 tbsp butter
*all ingredients from Farmdrop / ad pr products
Mix together eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, milk. Lather two slices of bread with chocolate spread on one side. Then close the sandwiches with the non-spread halves. Soak in your egg mixture for a few minutes on both sides. Heat your butter until bubbling in a frying pan. Pop your sandwiches in the frying pan and cook until golden browned on both sides, a few minutes on either side. Serve while hot with toppings of your choice — mine is maple syrup!