Hot cross bun french toast topped with crushed chocolate eggs
![Hot cross bun french toast topped with crushed chocolate eggs](
Hot cross bun french toast topped with crushed chocolate eggs!
We all know I love my George Foreman grill because I legit use it for everything, and I recently realised I could use it to make french toast on it! Soo.. I decided to get a little decadent brekkie going with some Easter hot cross bun french toast! Josh and I love mini chocolate eggs - and I seriously love hot cross buns so combining the two just makes total sense. Got loads of mini eggs? Sprinkle them on top of your french toast this weekend!
Ingredients: (serves 4)
4 hot cross buns, sliced in half
2 eggs
1 dash of milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
25g butter (for greasing)
5 mini eggs, crushed (I used a meat tenderizer lol but a rolling pin works, too)
+ optional (but definitely *recommended*) maple syrup & almond butter
Simply heat your grill up and grease with your butter. In a bowl, mix together eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla until combined. Dunk each half of your hot cross buns into the mix and make sure they’ve soaked up as much of the mixture each as possible. Simple pop on the grill for about 10 minutes until cooked through (I used my George Foreman Medium Fit Grill so it grills both sides - it’s so easy! If you’re not, you may need to flip them halfway). Then simple as plating up (we went for a sharing platter) and sprinkling your crushed mini eggs on top, drizzle almond butter and finish with maple syrup just before serving!
You can also use code GEMTAKES10 for 10% off their entire website!
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