5 Easy Ways To Stay Motivated That Won't Drive You Crazy

We’ve hit a bump in the road, guys. I didn’t do my weekly blog post last week. You want to know why? I haven’t been feeling motivated. Work was piling up, procrastination was at an all-time high and my anxiety was off-the-freakin’-charts. I need to get myself up and running, so more feeling lethargic or saying I’ll do it tomorrow. No more skipping posting one day because I don’t feel like it. Ok, but how am I supposed to do all of that? It’s true, it doesn’t all just click back into place after you’ve had a lull, I’m feeling that way, but there are ways to help bring your motivation back after you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut and these are my top 5 ways of finding your motivation to keep going!
The answer is always new things. Not really, but just something to get me excited again about what I do. Been dreaming of a new lamp for your bedside table that makes you feel inspired before you go to sleep? Or a new set of cutlery for your photos? BUY IT. I’m not going to force you, but this is what helps me feel like I’m ready to start again and get creating. Here are some things on my get motivated shopping list right now:
Oliver Bonas Mother of Pearl Cheese Knives
Talking to friends who are also working toward their own projects is a great way to boost your motivation, and also come up with new ideas. Bounce off of each other, build each other up. You’re so motivated about your friend’s work and success, so why aren’t you feeling the same way toward yours? Jealousy literally does NOTHING for you except makes you feel bad, don’t be jealous, be amazing. Be the best you can be. Share your best content. Share your exciting ideas. Get going. And use your friend and your motivation for them and put it into your own work!
It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going on right now and makeup what-ifs and potential negative scenarios, but that’s not how you’re going to be able to stay motivated to do well. You need to look back at the amazing things you have accomplished and think positive thoughts because if based on everything fantastic you’ve done, only good can come from it. Doors may close, others will open, but dwelling on bad situations, brands that wouldn’t pay enough that you had to turn down or comparing yourself to where others are is not going to help you. Focus on the good, be constructive with criticisms and build on a better you and this should help motivate you. Like anyone else, I do compare myself to others, dwell on bad situations (I’m quite an emotionally driven person) but know that when I’m in a rut, that is the worst thing and I will dig myself a hole. Now I think about all the amazing partners I’ve worked with, brands who have wanted to work with me, people who value my content and also look at all my exciting upcoming work, what I am accomplishing and then I can get myself back in the right mindset.
This goes hand in hand with being excited about upcoming opportunities. If you have any partnerships upcoming that doesn’t excite you, ask yourself why you agreed to them in the first place? You should be really keen and find yourself wanting to create when given a new opportunity and if anything you’re creating doesn’t spark happiness (Marie Kondo reference) then why are you doing it? This really goes with my previous point because if you’re digging yourself into a negative hole about anything in the future, it might mean it’s not the right thing to do. I like to really think about how different partnerships make me feel. If it will make you stressed, then don’t do it because this could affect your other work and motivation to be creative and enjoy what you are doing and where you are going.
Besides all the emotional ways you can change your mindset, I also find taking a break and doing something slightly mindless yet enjoyable for a while can help re-inspire me. This could be reading a book, scrolling on Pinterest, going for a walk or taking a nap. These are things that don’t require a lot of energy (if any at all) to revive you and hopefully let your mind rest and relax rather than worrying or feeling unmotivated. Sometimes I even think about the authors of the books I read and how they got to where they were and how long the book writing process may be and that you never know if the work will pay off until you just go for it. Take a deep breath and relax. Relax your jaw, unfurrow your brow and take a minute before going back to what you were doing.
I hope if you’re feeling a little down or unmotivated that this can help you and that you know that someone is always on the other side of this blog. It’s not only happy days and amazing meals, sometimes I’m sitting with my hair in a bun, no makeup on and my apron tied around my pyjamas thinking about how someone else posted something and it made me feel down about my own content. It’s normal, but we motivate ourselves and we move on! We can do it, no matter what.
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